Once upon a time : adapting and writing fairy tales
Once upon a time : adapting and writing fairy tales
Personal Author EPSB:
Year Published:
Physical Description:
ix, 173 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 29 cm
"Grade 3, Unit 4, narrative"--Cover.
Adapt classic tales -- Writing story adaptations that hold together -- Storytelling, planning and drafting adaptations of fairy tales -- Writers story-tell and act out as they draft -- Weaving narration throught stories -- Mirror, mirror on the wall : assessment using self-reflection -- Goals and plans are a big deal -- Telling stories that make readers shiver -- Revising early and often -- When dialogue swamps your draft, add actions -- Painting a picture with words: revising for language -- The long and short of it : editing for sentence variety -- Collecting ideas for original fairy tales -- From "This is a fairy tale about" to "Once upon a time" -- Tethering objects to characters -- Using descriptive language while drafting -- Revising the magic -- Revising for readers -- Editing with an eye out for broken patterns -- Happily ever after : a fairy tale celebration.
Portsmouth, NH : Firsthand, an imprint of Heinemann, [2013]