Time's up on timed tests : how to teach math facts for understanding
Time's up on timed tests : how to teach math facts for understanding
Fact fluency matters, but timed tests give students more anxiety than they develop students mathematical fluency. It s time for educators to give timed tests a time out. But, what's the alternative? This book is designed to answer that question. It provides teachers with a wealth of practical ways to teach students the facts, help them understand the facts, and give them strategies to become fluent with their grade level s fact fluency expectations. Time's Up on Timed Tests builds real fact fluency--without a timer! The book covers fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, with practical strategies for purposeful practice, including reproducibles of games and activities.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
162 p. ; 28 cm.
Introduction: Timed tests: let's make them things of the past -- It's time for something new -- Part 1: All About Fluency -- Fluency in mathematics -- The fear factor -- Fluency expectations -- Part 2: All about addition and subtraction -- Teaching for understanding -- A new approach -- Addition strategy book -- Suggested order of strategies -- Purposeful practice -- Fluency folders -- Games and activities to build fluency in addition and subtraction -- Part 3: All About Multiplication and Division -- Teaching for understanding -- A suggested order of teaching multiplication -- Moving toward automaticity -- Games and activities to build fluency in multiplication and division -- Part 4: If Not Timed Tests...Then What? -- Reproducibles -- Glossary -- Bibliography.
Peterborough, NH : SDE Professional Development Resources, 2017