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Cover image for Numeracy problem strrings : second grade
Numeracy problem strrings : second grade
Numeracy problem strrings : second grade
Personal Author EPSB:
A comprehensive teacher guide to implementing numeracy Problem Strings in second grade. This book will help you: empower students to reason mathematically; know and use the major models and strategies for second grade students; model student thinking to make it visible, discussable, and take-up-able; guide your students to more confidence, flexibility, and success; and develop student thinking to know that math truly is FigureOutAble.This book is one of six, although it is not a series in the sense that you will read each one successively. The six books are one for each grade, Kindergarten through fifth grade.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
1 volume
New York : [Pam Harris], 2024.
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