National Geographic Windows on Literacy.
National Geographic Windows on Literacy.
Year Published:
This set includes 50 books: This Food Grows Here, What's Alike?, Baking a Cake, Taking Care of Farm Animals, Which One Does Not Belong? What Can I Do Today? Shadow Play, Where is it Going? At the Playground, My School Day, On the Weekend, My Walk, Getting Ready, Our Clubhouse, Fruit Salad, A Trip to the Doctor, Plants in the Park, Families, Toys Can Move, Staying Healthy, The Earth, In the Tree, Getting Home, Keeping Clean, Vegetables, Feelings, In the Garden, Fall Colors, How Does it Feel? What Has Changed? My Five Senses, Rides are Fun, I Help my Dad, Special Foods, Special Places, I Like Apples, I Like Being Outdoors, What is being Moved? It's Dinner Time, Look at Me, Who Looks After Me? A Dog's Life, Who Lives at the Zoo? Count the Animals, Watermelons, On the Move, Flowers for Grandma, My Mom and Dad Take Care of Me, Time to Eat, People Go Up, It Can Fly