The perfect horse : the daring rescue of horses kidnapped during World War II
The perfect horse : the daring rescue of horses kidnapped during World War II
Personal Author EPSB:
"When a small troop of American soldiers capture a German spy during World War II, they uncover an unexpected secret: Hitler has kidnapped the world's finest purebred horses and hidden them in a secret Czech breeding farm. But starving Russian troops are drawn closer, and the horses face the danger of being slaughtered for food. There is little time to spare, and Colonel Hank Reed and his soldiers must cross enemy lines to heroically save some of the world's most treasured animals. In this thrilling young readers' edition of her New York Times bestselling book, Elizabeth Letts highlights bravery in the face of incredible odds. This tale will shed light on a little-known piece of our past and speak to history fans and animal lovers of every age."--Back cover.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
xvii, 253 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, map ; 21 cm
"Adapted for young readers"--Cover.
New York : Yearling, 2020.