The prayer that changes everything
Personal Author EPSB:
One of the most wonderful things about God is that He lives in our praise. He is a loving God who wants to be with us. And when we worship Him, He is! When we praise and worship God, His presence comes to dwell with us. Hearts change. Situations change. Lives change. Minds change. Attitudes change. Every time you praise God, something changes within you, in your circumstances, or in the people or situations around you. You may not be able to see all that is being affected, but you can trust tht it is. It is impossible to come into contact with all that God is without change taking place.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
316 p. ; 24 cm.
The hidden power of praising God.
Electronic Access:
Table of contents http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0418/2004012033.html
Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, c2004.