The case for the real Jesus : a journalist investigates current attacks on the identity of Christ
Personal Author EPSB:
Today the traditional picture of Jesus is under an intellectual onslaught from critical scholars, popular historians, TV documentaries, Hollywood movies, bestselling authors, Internet bloggers, Muslim debaters, and atheist think tanks. Evaluate the arguments and evidence being advanced by today's foremost critics.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
309 p.
Seeking the real Jesus -- Challenge #1: "Scholars are uncovering a radically different Jesus in ancient documents just as credible as the Four Gospels?" -- Challenge #2: "The Bible's portrait of Jesus can't be trusted, because the church has tampered with the text?" -- Challenge #3: Part 1: "New explanations have refuted Jesus' resurrection" -- Part 2: "The cross-examination" -- Challenge #4: "Christianity's beliefs about Jesus were copied from pagan religions" -- Challenge #5: J"esus was an imposter who failed to fulfill the messianic prophecies" -- Challenge #6: "People should be free to pick and choose what to believe about Jesus" -- Conclusion: Discovering the real Jesus.
Electronic Access:
Table of contents only http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0714/2007013737.htmlPublisher description http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0713/2007013737-d.html
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, 2007.