Cover image for The next Christians : the good news about the end of Christian America
The next Christians : the good news about the end of Christian America
Personal Author EPSB:
While many Christians are bemoaning their faithś decline, Gabe Lyons is optimistic that Christianityś best days are yet to come. In the wake of the stunning research from his bestselling book, "unChristian", which revealed the growing disenchantment among young generations for Christians, Lyons has witnessed the beginnings of a new iteration of the faith. Marked by Lyons ́brutal honesty and unvarying generosity, Lyons exposes a whole movement of Christians - Evangelicals, Mainline, Protestants, Orthodox, Pentecostals, and others - who desire to be a force for restoration even as they proclaim the Christian Gospel. They want the label Christian to mean something good, intelligent, authentic, and beautiful. Lyons says Evangelicals will need to be "provoked, not offended; creators, not critics; called, not employed; grounded, not distracted; in community, not alone; and countercultural, not relevant."
Year Published:
Physical Description:
230 p. ; 22 cm.
Fading reality -- New normal -- Parody of ourselves -- Relearning restoration -- Provoked, not offended -- Creators, not critics -- Called, not employed -- Grounded, not distrated -- In community, not alone -- Countercultural, not "relevant" -- Next big shift.
New York : Doubleday Religion, c2010.