Bioethics : a reformed look at life and death choices
Personal Author EPSB:
If there has ever been a time when Christians need to be prepared to deal with bioethical issues, the time is now. There are so many complex conflicts and controversies in this area that Christians need to be equipped to know how to think biblically, clearly, and rationally about; and the time to do that is not when issues arise. I am referring to things like abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, assisted reproduction, and assisted suicide. At a time when the entire medical science realm has created many different choices about many different things, the average Christian is not equipped or prepared to think through their ramifications.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
136 p. ; 23 cm.
Christians, health care, and basic moral reasoning -- When life ends -- Chronic illness, suffering, and Christian responses -- Organ donation and heroic medicine -- Scarce resources and Christian compassion -- Abortion -- Assisted reproduction and embryo selection -- Embryo research and cloning -- What happened to the neighbors? global health care -- The global challenge of HIV/AIDS -- Concluding thoughts.
Electronic Access:
Table of contents only http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0828/2008040016.html
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2009.