I never thought I'd see the day! : culture at the crossroads
Personal Author EPSB:
David Jeremiah highlights the decline in Western culture, especially America, and calls on his readers to reverse this downward spiral. Dr. Jeremiah identifies the nine major indicators of this looming disaster and then issues a strategy for turning the tide and equips us with the weapons we need for the battle ahead. Above all, he brings a message of hope that our 'culture at the crossroads' can be put back on the right path.
Other Title:
I never thought I would see the day
Year Published:
Physical Description:
xxi, 315 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
When atheists would be angry -- When Christians wouldn't know they were in a war -- When Jesus would be so profaned -- When marriage would be obsolete -- When morality would be in free fall -- When the Bible would be marginalized -- When the church would be irrelevant -- When a Muslim state could intimidate the world -- When America would turn her back on Israel -- When changing your mind could save your life.
New York : FaithWords, 2011.