Cover image for What Are You Afraid Of? : Facing Down Your Fears With Faith.
What Are You Afraid Of? : Facing Down Your Fears With Faith.
Personal Author EPSB:
For many people, worry, anxiety, and fear are constant companions: fear of death, fear of danger, fear of disease. And too often, these fears are crippling, keeping us from the life God has called us to live. But it doesnt́ have to be that way, says Dr. David Jeremiah. As Christians, we have been given all we need in order to face down even the most frightening, unexpected, and overwhelming obstacles in life. In his new book, What Are You Afraid Of? Dr. Jeremiah explores the top ten fears that are holding so many of us back from the life God has called us to live and shares the supernatural secrets for facing down these fears with faith.
Year Published:

Physical Description:
290 pgs.
Carol Stream, Illinois : Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 2013.