How dogs came from wolves and other explorations of science in action
How dogs came from wolves and other explorations of science in action
Personal Author EPSB:
Intriguing questions about animals are answered by scientists in these twelve explorations taken from the award-winning column in "Highlights for Children" magazine.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
64 pages : color illustrations, color map ; 26 cm
1st Boyds Mills Press pbk. ed.
This title may be found in the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Purple System Choice Library Grade 5 Level S kit.
"Scientists probe 12 animal mysteries."
Introduction: Elephant talk: Scientists discovered how to listen in -- Do dogs see in color? To find out, scientists taught them a game -- How dogs came from wolves: People bred tame animals from wild ones -- Long-distance whale: It?s the very same whale. You can tell by its tail -- How birds hatch their eggs: It?s not easy -- Why the puffins came back to egg rock: After a hundred-year absence, they?re back! -- Tracking the wandering Albatross: Bird spends most of its life on the wing -- Living on the edge of danger: Ant loves heat -- Seal is a sneaky swimmer: Scientist caught it saving energy -- Cool story about an Antarctic fish: Why doesn?t it freeze? -- Warm-blooded fish? Some fish can keep parts of their bodies warm -- High-tech fish: They have their own electric fields.
Added Author:
Honesdale, Pa. : Boyds Mills Press, 2004.