Tales of ancient Egypt,
Tales of ancient Egypt,
Personal Author EPSB:
Year Published:
Physical Description:
216 p. illus., map. 22 cm.
Ra and his children.--Isis and Osiris.--Horus the avenger.--Khnemu of the Nile.--The great Queen Hatshepsut.--The prince and the sphinx.--The princess and the demon.--The golden lotus.--Teta the magician.--The book of Thoth.--Se-Osiris and the sealed letter.--The land of the dead.--The tale of the two brothers.--The story of the shipwrecked sailor.--The adventures of Sinube.--The peasant and the workman.--The taking of Joppa.--The story of the Greek princess.--The treasure thief.--The girl with the rose-red slippers.
New York, H. Z. Walck, 1968.