AsapSCIENCE : answers to the world's weirdest questions, most persistent rumors, and unexplained phenomena
AsapSCIENCE : answers to the world's weirdest questions, most persistent rumors, and unexplained phenomena
Personal Author EPSB:
"In their first-ever book, Mitchell Moffit and Greg Brown, the [guys] behind the wildly popular YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE, answer your burning questions, explaining the true science of how things work."--Page 4 of cover.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
248 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Resolving persistent questions, rumors, and weird phenomena. Does being cold make you sick? ; Are silent farts more deadly? ; Is cracking your joints bad for you? ; Is the 5-second rule legitimate? ; Which is worse : childbirth or getting kicked in the balls? ; Does shaving make your hair grow thicker? ; Can sneezing pop your eyeballs out? ; Could you spontaneously combust? ; Is binge TV watching bad for you? ; Which came first : the chicken or the egg? -- Body talk. Brain farts ; The science of bad breath ; Can snot save us? ; Is there a hiccup cure? ; The scientific secret of muscle and strength ; Why are men so hairy? ; The science of aging ; The science of brain freeze -- Hypotheticals. Could a zombie apocalypse happen? ; What if you stopped going outside? -- Sensory perception. Why do we get pins and needles? ; Why do we itch? ; Selfie science : why do we hate photos of ourselves? ; Where does all the light go when you turn off the lights? ; Why does time feel faster as we age? -- Hot sex and other amorous pursuits. The science of sexy ; The science of heartbreak ; The science of love ; The science of orgasms ; Will dancing get you laid? -- Getting to the bottom of bad behavior. The science of swearing ; The science of lying ; The science of procrastination ; The scientific hangover cure -- Dreaming, waking, napping, sleeping. The scientific power of naps ; The science of morning wood ; The science of lucid dreaming ; What are eye boogers? ; Should you use the snooze button? ; What if you stopped sleeping?
Added Author:
New York : Scribner, [2015]