Story of my face

Story of my face

Personal Author EPSB
Leanne, Baugh

"Seven surgeries later and, as seventeen-year-old Abby Hughes says, her facial disfigurement still sends young children screaming into their mother's arms. After hiding out at home for months after being brutally mauled by a grizzly bear while backpacking in the Rocky Mountains, Abby reluctantly decides to go back to high school to graduate with her best friend Simon, girlfriends Grace and Serena, and her estranged boyfriend Liam."--

Year Published

Physical Description
228 pages ; 21 cm.

Friends -- Fiction.
Animal attacks -- Fiction.
Grizzly bears -- Fiction.
Backpacking -- Rocky Mountains -- Fiction.
Canadian fiction.

"Seven surgeries later and, as seventeen-year-old Abby Hughes says, her facial disfigurement still sends young children screaming into their mother's arms. After hiding out at home for months after being brutally mauled by a grizzly bear while backpacking in the Rocky Mountains, Abby reluctantly decides to go back to high school to graduate with her best friend Simon, girlfriends Grace and Serena, and her estranged boyfriend Liam."--


Toronto : Second Story Press, 2018.

LibraryCall NumberTypeItem BarcodeStatus
Jasper PlaceF BAUBook30071000652771Fiction