Histoires en action!. #2
Histoires en action!. #2
Personal Author EPSB:
Louis la grenouille is a story about a cool, rock-and-roll loving, guitar-playing frog named Louis la grenouille, a popular character who returns in future plays and songs. In this story, Louis finds that life is very lonely in his pond. He meets a genie who grants him a wish - to find the love of his life. Louis meets up with several very entertaining characters on his journey. The play is full of emotional content, contains humour, and results in a happy ending. The story has inspired many creative writing pieces by the students who have experienced it. AIM Language Learning Step 3.
Chat Angora is a story about a very goofy, not-too-bright, absent-minded detective. The story takes place in a deserted alley, behind some restaurants in the city. There are garbage cans in the alley and a large bag of rice with the word RIZ printed clearly on the front so that the audience can see the word. The story begins with a television reporter (who takes on the role of narrator) stating that the detective, Chat Angora, is in search of the criminal, Madame Rat. Chat Angora receives three different clues from three very different, mysterious characters, each with a very distinct personality. It is a very popular play with teachers and students from Grade four to grade seven. It is full of emotional content and humour, and results in an unresolved ending, which is ideal for story extension possibilities! Students love the contrasting personalities of the characters, and especially love to be the goofy Chat Angora. AIM Language Learning Step 4.
Le bistro des animaux is a story about three different animals, a lion, an elephant, and a mouse who, at the beginning of the story, are very proud of their own talents and dislike each other because of their differences. Louis la grenouille reappears in this story. He watches the animals and tries to find a solution to their arguments. He visits his friend, Alice l’Alligator in the bayou, who suggests that they try to get the animals to work together on a common project that they will all be able to enjoy. She suggests that they have the animals build a café. Louis and Alice visit each animal in turn, suggesting that each one help with the building. Each one agrees to help and in the last scene they are all working together on the building although each one does not know that the others are involved until they complete the project. At first they are upset but as each animal explains his/her contribution, they realize how important it is to appreciate rather than dislike one another for their differences. Louis and Alice join the group at the end as they help name the café, and finally all the animals look forward to enjoying it together! It is a popular play with teachers and students from grade four to grade seven. It is full of emotional content, contains humour, and results in a happy ending with an important moral! AIM Language Learning Step 5.
Other Title:
Accelerated integrated method: HEA. #2
AIM : HEA. #2
Le bistro des animaux
Year Published:
Physical Description:
1 kit (3 teacher's unit guides ; 3 cahiers d'élève: blackline masters ; 3 grands livres ; 24 posters ; 27 flash cards (17'' x 11'') ; 1 flash card (17'' x 11'') clock ; 1 teacher DVD ; 1 DVD de l'élève ; 1 CD ; 1 teacher CD-ROM ; Gesture vocabulary association handbook ; Mon livre de mots 1.
Contains content list.
Container 67 x 40.5 x 16 cm.
The Accelerative Integrated Methodology (AIM) brings true transformation to the experience of teaching and learning languages. Authentic learning is achieved through scaffolding techniques which use storytelling, gestures, active collaboration and repetition. The use of high-frequency vocabulary, introduced with gestures and contextualized in stories, drama, songs and dance, allows students to rapidly achieve levels of oral and written proficiency rarely seen with conventional methods.
Program Information:
French AIM 2
Added Corporate Author:
Bowen Island, BC : AIM Language Learning, [2006]