Longbow girl

Longbow girl

Personal Author EPSB
Linda, Davies

Sixteen-year-old expert archer Merry Owen is desperate to save her family's farm in Wales, in the shadow of the Black Castle, and when she finds a buried chest containing an ancient and hopefully valuable Welsh text, she hopes it will be the key to a fortune--and so it is, but not in the way she expected, for it sends her and her friend James de Courcy into past.

Year Published

Physical Description
324 p. ; 22 cm.

1st ed., March 2016.

"First published in the United Kingdom in 2015 by Chicken House."

Grade Interest level
Young Adult.

Archers -- Wales -- Fiction.
Treasure troves -- Wales -- Fiction.
Best friends -- Fiction.
Treasure troves -- Fiction.
Time travel -- Fiction.
Family farms -- Wales -- Fiction.
Archery -- Fiction.
Farms -- Fiction.
Friendship -- Fiction.

Geographic Term
Wales -- Fiction.

Sixteen-year-old expert archer Merry Owen is desperate to save her family's farm in Wales, in the shadow of the Black Castle, and when she finds a buried chest containing an ancient and hopefully valuable Welsh text, she hopes it will be the key to a fortune--and so it is, but not in the way she expected, for it sends her and her friend James de Courcy into past.


New York : Chicken House/Scholastic Inc., c2016.

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Kate ChegwinFIC DAVBook30574000567568Checked out