The finest hours : the true story of a heroic sea rescue
The finest hours : the true story of a heroic sea rescue
Personal Author EPSB:
On the night of February 18, 1952, during one of the worst nor'easters that New England had ever seen, two oil tankers off the coast of Cape Cod were literally torn in half. With the storm in full force and waves up to 70 feet high, four coast guardsmen headed out to sea in a tiny lifeboat to come to the rescue. Despite insurmountable odds, these brave men risked their lives to save more than 30 stranded sailors.
Year Published:
Physical Description:
xi, 160 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations, portraits ; 20 cm
"An adaptation for young readers of The finest hours: the true story of the U.S. Coast Guard's most daring sea rescue"--Cover.
Program Information:
Accelerated Reader Grades 5-8 7.5 6 Quiz 163696 English non-fiction.
Added Author:
New York, NY : Scholastic Inc., [2015]