Safe and caring schools : teaching and learning resources.
Safe and caring schools : teaching and learning resources.
Other Title:
Safe and caring schools in Alberta
Teaching and learning resources
Safe and caring schools
Alberta Teachers' Association Safe & caring schools
ATA's Safe and caring schools
Year Published:
Physical Description:
78 p.
Table of contents.
Note (Local):
[w] 19--May/02.
Added Title:
Bullying : what you can do about it : a guide for primary level students.
Beyond bullying : what you can do about it : a guide for upper elementary students and their parents.
Media violence : the children are watching : a guide for parents and teachers.
Bullying : what you can do about it : a guide for parents and teachers of primary level students.
Class meetings for safe and caring schools.
Peer support and student leadership programs.
Volunteer mentorship programs K-12.
Niska news.
Principals' best.
Safe and caring schools : havens for the mind.
Preschool bullying : what you can do about it : a guide for parents and caregivers.
Bullying in schools : what you can do about it : a teachers guide.
Expecting respect : the Peer Education Project : a school-based learning model.
Supporting a safe and caring school : common attributes.
The ATA's Safe and Caring School Project : an overview.
Edmonton, AB : Alberta. Alberta Learning : Special Programs., 2002.