First encyclopedia of dinosaurs and prehistoric life
First encyclopedia of dinosaurs and prehistoric life
Personal Author EPSB:
What was the biggest dinosaur? When was the ice age? Why did the dinosaurs die out? Suitable for school projects, this title introduces young readers to the wonder of the prehistoric world. It also features illustrations, photographs of dinosaur models and links to recommended websites.
Other Title:
Usborne first encyclopedia of dinosaurs and prehistoric life
Dinosaurs and prehistoric life
Year Published:
The prehistoric world -- How the Earth began -- Under the sea -- LIfe on the land -- Swampy forests -- The first reptiles -- The first dinosaurs -- Hunter dinosaurs -- Raptors -- The first birds -- Tyrannosaurus rex -- Giant dinosaurs -- Duck-billed dinosaurs -- Horned dinosaurs -- Stegosaurs -- Boneheads -- Spiky dinosaurs -- Baby dinosaurs -- Sea reptiles -- Flying reptiles -- The death of the dinosaurs -- The first mammals -- More mammals -- South American mammals -- Ice age mammals -- The first people -- How do we know? -- New discoveries -- Prehistoric facts and figures -- Prehistoric words.
London, England : Usborne, 2011.