The secret worlds of Tabetha Bright

The secret worlds of Tabetha Bright

A young girl who is confined to a wheelchair receives a magical pen and is able to draw herself into the enchanted world of Wrush where she will become the empress. A magical adventure ensues.

Fecha de publicación como intervalo

Wrush ;


Descripción física
206 p. ;

Nota general
A fantasy story.

Término de la materia
Children with disabilities -- Fiction.
Empresses -- Fiction.

Autor añadido
Enfield, Tyler.

A young girl who is confined to a wheelchair receives a magical pen and is able to draw herself into the enchanted world of Wrush where she will become the empress. A magical adventure ensues.


Información de publicación
Austin, TX : Emerald Book Co., 2010.
Cananda : Donohue Group, 2010.

BibliotecaSignatura topográficaTipo de materialCódigo de barras del documentoEstado
DelwoodF KARBook30194000158472Fiction
DelwoodF KARBook30194000139233Fiction
DelwoodF KARBook30194000140744Fiction
DelwoodF KARBook30194000163563Fiction