Turtle Island Voices : Grade 2 Kit.
Turtle Island Voices : Grade 2 Kit.
The stories within Turtle Island Voices are told in many parts of Canada. T̳urtle Island ̲refers to the continent of North America, based on the creation stories of many Aboriginal peoples. Though the stories vary, many tell of the continent being created on the back of a great turtle. Integrating Turtle Island Voices into the classroom not only helps to foster a sense of identity among Aboriginal students, but it also enriches all students with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives. Turtle Island Voices honours the histories, cultures, worldviews, and knowledge of Canadaś Aboriginal communities with exciting stories, information, and graphics that will pique students ́interest in learning about Aboriginal peoples and cultures.
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Nota general:
10 book set of six books each:Buffalo Learns Respect, Just Joking!, Little Bear, Anisha's Dance, Around the World, HELP!, The Sash, Night and Day, Time To Celebrate!, Exploring Art