Imagen de portada para MADD Canada 2012-2013 Multi-Media Assembly Program Package Long weekend
MADD Canada 2012-2013 Multi-Media Assembly Program Package Long weekend
MADD Canada 2012-2013 Multi-Media Assembly Program Package Long weekend
MADD Canada's school assembly programs bring high-energy drug and alcohol impaired driving awareness and risk reduction messaging to the world of education. Our story begins in the twisted wreckage of a car. The driver, young Brian Martin, lifts his head from the steering wheel of the family car briefly; just long enough to hear the agonizing screams of his girlfriend, Jessica, as she struggles to free herself from the carnage. We see Brian's head drop back to the steering wheel before the camera pans out to view the scope of the destruction. The Martin car is mangled; Brian has t-boned another vehicle that is now on fire! It began like so many real-life rites of passage for young people. Newly licensed Brian talks his older brother, Malcolm, into letting him drive the whole way to the family cottage, six hours away. After a lecture from their Dad, the brothers, Brian's girlfriend, Jessica, and his best friend, Raj, head off to their weekend adventure at the family cottage. The kids are in great spirits, bantering back and forth and singing with the radio as they set out. Road trip! Once at the cottage, the friends build a bonfire, roast marshmallows, play guitar and laugh! Just like so many kids do. The ultimate summer party! But with their newfound freedom, they also take risks. They begin drinking beer and smoking joints. Brian and Jessica set out on what they think will be a short drive on a deserted back road. But tragedy strikes. In an almost "Dickens-like" encounter we relive the weekend; where it all went wrong, and the terrible consequences of their actions. There's an added element of mystery to the story that will surely hold the students' attention. A fictional drama? Next we hear from families of real-life victims but unlike our fictional drama, their stories are all too real.
Long weekend.
Fecha de publicación como intervalo:

Descripción física:
3 videodiscs sd., 1/2"
Disc 1: Program package includes: Curriculum guide -- Youth manual -- Posters -- School announcements --Disc 2: video: "Too close to home" (18:45) -- Disc 3: Lives lost - an ER physician presents a collection of true victim stories.
Información de publicación:
Canada : MADD c1994