Play. : The foundation that supports the house of higher learning.

Play. : The foundation that supports the house of higher learning.

Lisa Murphy

Fecha de publicación como intervalo

Descripción física
softcover 181 pg

Nota general
Lisa Murphy: Lisa Murphy, MEd, has been involved with early childhood education for over 20 years, teaching and working with children in various environments including Head Start, kindergarten, private preschools, family child care, parks and recreation centers, group homes, and many child care centers. As the founder and CEO of Ooey Gooey, Inc., Lisa's mission is to assist in the transformation of early childhood education by offering the best workshops and trainings, the most up to date materials and resources, and insightful conversations and connections through the power of social media.

Término de la materia
child development
early childhood education


Información de publicación
St.Paul, MN : RedLeaf Press, c2009.

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