The giant jelly bean jar
The giant jelly bean jar
Marcie. Aboff
Every week he goes to Jo-Jo's Jelly Bean Shop hoping to guess the riddle that will win him a while jar full of them!
Fecha de publicación como intervalo
Puffin easy-to-read
Término de la materia
Jelly beans - Fiction.
Riddles - Fiction.
Autor añadido
Billin-Frye, Paige.
Billin-Frye, Paige , ill.
Every week he goes to Jo-Jo's Jelly Bean Shop hoping to guess the riddle that will win him a while jar full of them!
Información de publicación
New York, N.Y. : Puffin, 2004.
Biblioteca | Signatura topográfica | Tipo de material | Código de barras del documento | Estado |
Elmwood | XE ABO | Book | 30204000080657 | Paperbacks |
Elmwood | XE ABO | Book | 30204000054660 | Paperbacks |