Talk about things around me. High-Beginning ELL [kit] : complete pack

Talk about things around me. High-Beginning ELL [kit] : complete pack

Sandra. Iversen

Talk About is designed to provide models of everyday language for students who are learning English or who have limited English. Talk About introduces the students to the structure, patterns, and vocabulary of everyday English through talking, reading, and writing.

Fecha de publicación como intervalo

Talk about things around me

Descripción física
96 books total; 4 books of each title Complete boxed set

Nota general
High beginning ELL English language learners.
Sports and recreation: Fitness in the park -- Bowling, Clubs -- Dance groups -- Games -- My town: Things you can do on ice -- Art in my town -- Forms of transportation -- Entertainment -- At the lake -- Shopping malls -- Going to the game -- Where does it come from: Where does popcorn come from -- Where does cheese come from -- Where do t-shirts come from -- Where does chocolate come from -- Where does drinking water come from -- Where does your electricity come from -- Jobs: Jobs at a hospital -- Jobs on a farm -- Jobs at a restaurant -- Factory jobs -- Emergency workers -- Dogs on the job.

Término de la materia
English as a second language.
Reading materials.

Talk About is designed to provide models of everyday language for students who are learning English or who have limited English. Talk About introduces the students to the structure, patterns, and vocabulary of everyday English through talking, reading, and writing.


Información de publicación
Toronto, ON : Scholastic Canada Ltd., c2013.

BibliotecaSignatura topográficaTipo de materialCódigo de barras del documentoEstado
HardistyTR 420.7 SCHTeacher resource30512000181832Checked out