Imagen de portada para Individualized program planning (IPP) : ECS to grade 12.
Individualized program planning (IPP) : ECS to grade 12.
Individualized program planning (IPP) : ECS to grade 12.

Programming for students with special needs
Autor corporativo:
Fecha de publicación como intervalo:
Descripción física:
1 binder (12 booklets) ; 29 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)
Nota general:
"This book is a revision of the teaching resource Individualized program plans (1995), Book 3 in the Programming for students with special needs series." -- Introduction.

Includes index.
Bk. 1. Working through the IPP process -- Bk. 2. Encouraging parent involvement -- Bk. 3. Supporting student participation -- Bk. 4. Creating a network of support -- Bk. 5. Using classroom assessment to support the IPP process -- Bk. 6. Selecting accommodations and strategies -- Bk. 7. Making goals meaningful, measurable and manageable -- Bk. 8. Planning for transition -- Bk. 9. Infusing assistive technology for learning into the IPP process -- Bk. 10. Getting off to a good start in ECS -- Bk. 11. Planning for students who are gifted -- Bk. 12. Promising practices for junior and senior high school.
Información de publicación:
Edmonton, AB : Alberta Education, 2006.
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