Beautiful blue world

Beautiful blue world

Suzanne M., LaFleur

Sofarende is at war and the army is paying families well to recruit children, so if twelve-year-old Mathilde or her best friend Megs is chosen, they hope to help their families but fear they will be separated forever.

Fecha de publicación como intervalo

Descripción física
210 pages : illustration ; 22 cm

Ages 10-12.

Grades 5-7.

A Junior Library Guild selection (JLG)

Término de la materia
War stories.
Survival -- Fiction.
Best friends -- Fiction.

Sofarende is at war and the army is paying families well to recruit children, so if twelve-year-old Mathilde or her best friend Megs is chosen, they hope to help their families but fear they will be separated forever.


Información de publicación
New York, New York : Wendy Lamb Books, [2016]

BibliotecaSignatura topográficaTipo de materialCódigo de barras del documentoEstado
KildareF LAFBook30138000184210Fiction