FrenchSmart tutor grade 4.
FrenchSmart tutor grade 4.
FrenchSmart Tutor is a user-friendly curriculum-based workbook series for children who want to learn or improve their French skills. It covers all three strands of the French curriculum: Oral Communication, Reading, and Writing. Children are guided along by the Smart Tutor in the workbook, who provides explanations, definitions, and examples throughout the activities. Each unit begins with a brief tutor session followed by four pages of exercise. The workbook includes a comprehensive review section as well as accompanying audio clips that help children develop their oral and listening skills. The audio clips are available for download at www.popularbook.ca Inside FrenchSmart Tutor Grade 4 French workbook: French worksheets cover nouns, pronouns, articles, plural endings, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, questions, listening comprehension strategies, listening comprehension, pronunciation, intonation, oral communication strategies, reading comprehension strategies, reading comprehension, the purpose of a text, the meaning of a text, text form, text style, vocabulary, the purpose of writing a text, the audience of a text, text form in writing, writing style, spelling rules, simple sentences, and the writing process.
Fecha de publicación como intervalo:
Descripción física:
192 pages : colour illustrations.
Nota local:
Student workbook.
Término de la materia:
Autor corporativo añadido:
Información de publicación:
Richmond Hill ON : Popular Book Company (Canada) Ltd., 2016.