FrenchSmart tutor Grade 6.
FrenchSmart tutor Grade 6.
FrenchSmart Tutor is a user-friendly curriculum-based workbook series for children who want to learn or improve their French skills. It covers all three strands of the French curriculum: Oral Communication, Reading, and Writing. Children are guided along by the Smart Tutor in the workbook, who provides explanations, definitions, and examples throughout the activities. Each unit begins with a brief tutor session followed by four pages of exercise. The workbook includes a comprehensive review section as well as accompanying audio clips that help children develop their oral and listening skills. The audio clips are available for download. Inside FrenchSmart Tutor Grade 6 French workbook: French worksheets cover nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, imperative verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, questions, listening comprehension strategies, listening comprehension, pronunciation, intonation, oral communication strategies, reading comprehension strategies, reading comprehension, the purpose of a text, the meaning of a text, text form, text style, vocabulary, the purpose of writing a text, the audience of a text, text form in writing, text style in writing, spelling rules, simple sentences, and the writing process.
Fecha de publicación como intervalo:
Descripción física:
192 pages : colour illustrations.
Nota local:
Student workbook.
Término de la materia:
Autor corporativo añadido:
Información de publicación:
Richmond Hill ON : Popular Book Company (Canada) Ltd., 2016.