Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur!A Palestinian Folktale

Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur!A Palestinian Folktale

Margaret Read MacDonald

A childless woman's prayers are answered by the arrival of a talking pot, but the new mother knows that Little Pot must learn right from wrong just like any child.

Fecha de publicación como intervalo

Descripción física
34 p.

Término de la materia
Palestinian Arabs -- Folklore
Folklore -- Palestine
Theft -- Folklore

Autor añadido
Alik Arzoumanian, Illustrator

A childless woman's prayers are answered by the arrival of a talking pot, but the new mother knows that Little Pot must learn right from wrong just like any child.


Información de publicación
Tarrytown, New York : Marshall Canvendish Corporation, c2006.

BibliotecaSignatura topográficaTipo de materialCódigo de barras del documentoEstado
MalmoPB E MACBook30186000165853Everybody Paperbacks
MalmoPB E MACBook30186000165887Everybody Paperbacks