Do beavers eat poutine? : cool Canadian quizzes
Do beavers eat poutine? : cool Canadian quizzes
How well do you know Canada? Are you an expert on all things Canuck, or do you need to brush up on your basics? Test your knowledge and find out. In what province will you find the Snake Capital of the World? What Canadian fish is so fatty it can be dried, strung on a wick and used as a candle? How many official languages are spoken in Canada--by Canada Geese? In this 100 percent True North strong and free quizzlopedia, you'll find out how you rate when it comes to Canadiana. You'll also find dozens of facts, jokes and puzzles that celebrate the splendour of our nation--in totally cool Canadian style, of course.
Fecha de publicación como intervalo:
Descripción física:
96 pages : illustrations
Término de la materia:
Término geográfico:
Información de publicación:
Toronto : Scholastic Canada, 2017.