Journal of a schoolyard bully : notes on noogies, wet willies, and wedgies

Journal of a schoolyard bully : notes on noogies, wet willies, and wedgies

Farley. Katz

Seventh-grade bully Niko Kaylor, forced to keep a journal as a form of therapy, instead creates a how-to guide while plotting a lesson in bullying for the entire middle school, including the teachers and Vice Principal Jones.

Fecha de publicación como intervalo

Término de la materia
Bullies -- Fiction.
Diaries -- Fiction.
Schools -- Fiction.

Seventh-grade bully Niko Kaylor, forced to keep a journal as a form of therapy, instead creates a how-to guide while plotting a lesson in bullying for the entire middle school, including the teachers and Vice Principal Jones.


Información de publicación
New York : St. Martin's Griffin, 2011.

BibliotecaSignatura topográficaTipo de materialCódigo de barras del documentoEstado
WestbrookF KATBook30197000043644Realistic Fiction