First Nations, Métis and Inuit Resource Centre
The First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Resource Centre houses a lending library with a wide selection of print resources as well as cultural artifacts.
The Resource Centre also manages the distribution of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Edukits. The Edukits are intended to enhance the Grades 5 Programs of Study and the Grade 4 new draft curriculum, and each Edukit focuses on a different topic (tools, clothing, transportation, food or shelter) and explores the topics through the perspective of First Nations, Métis, & Inuit groups within Alberta, as well as Canada.
You can borrow and return resources either in person or through Edmonton Public Schools' truck mail.

Contact Us
Phone: 780-970-5235
The Languages Centre at Woodcroft
13750 Woodcroft Ave. NW
Edmonton AB T5M 3M4
For more information, visit our website