There's a hole in my bucket.
There's a hole in my bucket.
Jenny Cooper
As Liza instructs Henry how to fix a hole in his bucket, Henry gives her all the reasons why he can't.
Date de publication comme intervalle
Note générale
includes CD
Terme de vedette-matière
Pails -- Songs and music.
Children's songs -- Texts.
Vedette secondaire auteur
The Topp Twins
As Liza instructs Henry how to fix a hole in his bucket, Henry gives her all the reasons why he can't.
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN)
Informations de publication
Toronto, ON : Scholastic Canada, 2012.
Bibliothèque | Numéro de rayon | Type de document | Code à barres du document | Statut |
awâsis waciston | E TWI | Book | 30161000002232 | Picture Books |