The heartbeat drum : the story of Carol Powder, Cree drummer and activist
The heartbeat drum : the story of Carol Powder, Cree drummer and activist
"Nisôhkisinân (We are strong) . . . ninikamonân (We are singing) . . . mîna nika-âhkamêyimonân (And we will continue) . . . Whenever young Carol sang along to her family's music, her heart felt light and full of joy. Learning from her grandfather, Moshum, Carol listened closely to the drums' heartbeat until one day, Moshum made her a drum of her very own. As Carol grew up, she passed down her songs to her children, grandchildren, and many women in her community, just as Moshum taught her-even as women and children became increasingly excluded from sitting at the drum"--
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Description matérielle:
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm
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Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):
Informations de publication:
New York : Abrams Books for Young Readers, [2024]