Moving Up Book Club Unit Grade 5 All systems go.
Moving Up Book Club Unit Grade 5 All systems go.
Table des matières:
1 Teacher's Guide 1 copy of Defiance (book) 1 copy of BBoy LazyLegz: Breakdancing to Fame and Fortune (4 overheads) 1 copy of How You're Different from a Pigeon (4 overheads) 4 copies of Work It! (magazine) 8 copies of Dive In! (magazine) 12 copies of Gear Up! (magazine) 4 copies of Take Off! (magazine) 1 Audio CD (Fluent Readings: How You're Different from a Pigeon, BBoy LazyLegz, Work It!) Grade 5 Non-fiction Discussion Card Packs-4 sets of 12 Before Reading Discussion Cards-4 sets of 12 During Reading Discussion Cards-4 sets of 12 After Reading Discussion Cards
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