Image de couverture de Surviving Brick Johnson.
Surviving Brick Johnson.
Surviving Brick Johnson.
Afraid of getting maimed for making fun of Brick, the husky new kid in his 5th grade, Alex decided that even his baseball collection will not protect him, so he signs up for karate class despite his little brother's reassurances that Brick is not a bully.
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Note générale:
This title may be found in the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Gold System Grade 4 box 2.
Informations sur le programme:
Accelerated Reader 3.5 1.0

Leveled Literacy Intervention
Terme de vedette-matière:
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):
Informations de publication:
New York : Clarion Books, 2000.