Funeral songs for dying girls

Funeral songs for dying girls

Cherie, Dimaline

To save her father's job at the crematorium and the only home she's ever known, Winifred and her con-artist cousin start offering ghost tours until Winifred meets an actual ghost who causes her to question everything she believes about life, love, and death.

Date de publication comme intervalle

Description matérielle
271 pages ; 22 cm

Terme de vedette-matière
Teenage girls -- Fiction.
Cemeteries -- Fiction.
Spirits -- Fiction.
Fathers and daughters -- Fiction.
Young adult fiction

Ghost stories.

To save her father's job at the crematorium and the only home she's ever known, Winifred and her con-artist cousin start offering ghost tours until Winifred meets an actual ghost who causes her to question everything she believes about life, love, and death.

Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN)

Informations de publication
[Toronto, Ontario] : Tundra Books, [2023]

BibliothèqueNuméro de rayonType de documentCode à barres du documentStatut
D.S. MacKenzieF DIMBook30522000389871Fantasy Fiction