Image de couverture de Quail and other galliforms.
Quail and other galliforms.
Quail and other galliforms.
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Set 4
Description matérielle:
64 p. : ill.
Note générale:
Table des matières:
What are galliforms? -- Where in the world do quail and other galliforms live? -- What is under all those feathers? -- What's for dinner if you are a quail? -- Why do quail swallow pebbles and sand? -- How does a quail care for its young? -- What is a covey of quail? -- How do quail escape from predators? -- How fast are quail? -- Who is Bob White? -- Why are some galliforms show-offs? -- Who has a big, showy fan? -- What are pheasants? -- Who has a crown of gold? -- How can pheasants take a bath in dust? 36 -- Who comes to Thanksgiving dinner? -- What are grouse? -- What kind of grouse snacks on evergreen needles? -- Can a grouse play the drums? -- What is a prairie chicken? -- What is a ptarmigan? -- Do some birds wear snow boots? -- What are partridges? -- What are guineafowl? -- Who cries "chu kahr!"? -- How do wild birds become farm animals? -- Is a chicken's comb cool? -- Are quail and other galliforms in danger? -- Galliform fun facts.

What are galliforms? -- Where in the world do quail and other galliforms live? -- What is under all those feathers? -- How do quail differ from other birds? -- What is for dinner if you are a quail? -- Why do quail swallow pebbles and sand? -- How does a quail care for its young? -- What is a covey of quail? -- How do quail escape from predators? -- How fast are quail? -- Who is Bob White? -- Why are some galliforms show-offs? -- Who has a big, showy fan? -- What are pheasants? -- Who has a crown of gold? -- How can pheasants take a bath in dust? 36 -- Who comes to thanksgiving dinner? -- What are grouse? -- What kind of grouse snacks on evergreen needles? -- Can a grouse play the drums? -- What is a prairie chicken? -- What is a ptarmigan? -- Do some birds wear snow boots? -- What are partridges? -- What are guineafowl? -- Who cries chu kahr!? -- How do wild birds become farm animals? -- Are quail and other galliforms in danger? -- Galliform fun facts.
All Juvenile
Terme de vedette-matière:

Vedette secondaire - Nom collectif:
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):

Informations de publication:
Chicago : World Book, Inc., c2005.