Teensy weensy animals

Teensy weensy animals

Joan. Emerson

Tells about the tiniest animals from around the world. Introduces kids to penguins, octopuses, and sloths all smaller than the palm of their hands.

Date de publication comme intervalle

Scholastic reader. Level 2

Description matérielle
30 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cm

Note générale
"Developing reader. Level 2."

Informations sur le programme
Accelerated Reader LG 4.7 0.5 176438

Terme de vedette-matière

Tells about the tiniest animals from around the world. Introduces kids to penguins, octopuses, and sloths all smaller than the palm of their hands.

Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN)

Informations de publication
New York, NY : Scholastic, 2015.

BibliothèqueNuméro de rayonType de documentCode à barres du documentStatut
KildareE NFBook30138000178493Everybody Non-fiction