Snowman - cold = puddle : spring equations

Snowman - cold = puddle : spring equations

Laura Purdie, Salas

"A unique take on spring in a series of eye-opening equations. Whether it's breeze + kite = ballet or nest + robin = jewelry box, each equation prompts readers to pause and think about spring in unexpected ways. As a child in the art welcomes the change of seasons, sidebars provide more information about the science behind the signs of spring."--

Snowman minus cold equals puddle
Spring equations

Date de publication comme intervalle

Description matérielle
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 23 x 29 cm

Terme de vedette-matière

Vedette secondaire auteur
Archer, Micha,

"A unique take on spring in a series of eye-opening equations. Whether it's breeze + kite = ballet or nest + robin = jewelry box, each equation prompts readers to pause and think about spring in unexpected ways. As a child in the art welcomes the change of seasons, sidebars provide more information about the science behind the signs of spring."--

Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN)

Informations de publication
Watertown, MA : Charlesbridge, [2019]

BibliothèqueNuméro de rayonType de documentCode à barres du documentStatut
KildareE SALBook30138000212284Picture Books