Image de couverture de The way things work. Steam power
The way things work. Steam power
The way things work. Steam power
Two young Mammoth Islanders enlist the help of a visiting inventor to design a machine that will make the rides at the amusement park much more exciting. After observing the power in the expanding steam of a tea kettle, they decide to build a steam engine that would convert heat energy to mechanical energy that will power everything from spinning cotton candy to powering roller coasters.
Steam power
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Description matérielle:
1 videodisc (13 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 teacher's guide.
Note générale:
"Teacher's guides included and available online"--Container.

Special features: discussion questions & activities.
Vedette secondaire auteur:
Vedette secondaire - Nom collectif:

Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):
Informations de publication:
Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, [2003], c2002.