Kitty Secrets
Discover the secrets, skills, habits, and distinctive features of over 40 adorable cat breeds. From the super sweet and affectionate Ragamuffin to the adventurous Maine Coon, there may be more to these cute kitties than you think.
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Description matérielle:
96 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
Table des matières:
Abyssinian -- American Bobtail -- American Shorthair -- American Wirehair -- Batinese -- Bengal -- Bicolor Shorthair -- Birman -- Bombay -- British Blue Shorthair -- British White Shorthair -- Burmese -- Burmilla -- Chartreux -- Cornish Rex -- Egyptian Mau -- Ginger Shorthair -- Havana Brown -- Korat -- La Perm -- Maine Coon -- Manx -- Norwegian Forest -- Ocicat -- Persian Blue Longhair -- Persian White Longhair -- Ragamuffin -- Ragdoll -- Russian Blue -- Savannah -- Scottish Fold -- Siamese -- Singapura -- Snowshoe -- Somali -- Sphynx -- Tabby Longhair -- Tabby Shorthair -- Tiffanie -- Tonkinese -- Tortie Longhair -- Tortie Shorthair -- Toyger -- Turkish Angora -- Turkish Van.
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):
Informations de publication:
Lake Forest, CA : QEB Publishing, 2017.