Image de couverture de Why Should I Save Water? [Arabic] = Limadh yajib 'alayya an uwaffir fi istihlak al-ma'?
Why Should I Save Water? [Arabic] = Limadh yajib 'alayya an uwaffir fi istihlak al-ma'?
Why Should I Save Water? [Arabic] = Limadh yajib 'alayya an uwaffir fi istihlak al-ma'?
'Why Should I Save Water?' Children learn that clean water is one of our most precious natural resources. In this book, boys and girls are told about dozens of ways in which they and their families can avoid wasting water...
Title can be transliterated as: Limatha yajib alia an uwaffer fee istihlak al-mah?

Title can be transliterated as: Lemaza yajbu alyya an aufir fi istihlak al-maa'?

Limadh yajib 'alayya an uwaffir fi istihlak al-ma'?
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Description matérielle:
32 pages : color illustrations ; 21cm.
Note générale:
Translation of: Why should I save water?

"Save water?"--Page 4 of cover.

"Arabic butterfly books"--Page 4 of cover.
Terme de vedette-matière:

Vedette secondaire auteur:
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):
Informations de publication:
Beirut : Maktabat Lubnan, 2003.

Beirut : Lebanon Publishers Library, 2011.
