The Battle of Seven Oaks : and the violent birth of the Red River settlement

The Battle of Seven Oaks : and the violent birth of the Red River settlement

Irene Ternier, Gordon

For many Metis, the Battle of Seven Oaks is the historic moment when their people first stood up for their rights as a nation against England and the Hudson's Bay Company. Chronicles the struggle between the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company, out of which the Red River settlement (and later Winnipeg) was born.

Date de publication comme intervalle

True Canadian amazing stories

Description matérielle
137 pages ; 22 cm

Gr. 4-12


Informations sur le programme
Toward Confederation Gr. 7+
Social Studies - 7

Terme de vedette-matière
Seven Oaks, Battle of, Winnipeg, Man., 1816.

SS 7.2.4. local

For many Metis, the Battle of Seven Oaks is the historic moment when their people first stood up for their rights as a nation against England and the Hudson's Bay Company. Chronicles the struggle between the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company, out of which the Red River settlement (and later Winnipeg) was born.

Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN)

Informations de publication
Calgary : Altitude Pub. Canada, [2005]

BibliothèqueNuméro de rayonType de documentCode à barres du documentStatut
Shauna May Seneca971.27 GORBook31929000035421Non-Fiction