Image de couverture de United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Made up of Great Britain (which includes England, Scotland, and Wales) and Northern Ireland (which is part of a nearby island), the United Kingdom is home to a diverse range of cultures and traditions.
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Description matérielle:
32 pages : colour illustrations, colour map ; 20 x 22 cm.
Table des matières:
Where in the world is the United Kingdom? -- Home sweet home -- Let's eat! -- Off to school -- The legend of King Arthur -- Touring the United Kingdom -- Our fascinating history -- It came from the United Kingdom -- Celebrate! -- Time to play -- You won't believe this! -- Guessing game -- Preparing for your visit -- The United States compared to the United Kingdom.
Terme de vedette-matière:
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):

Informations de publication:
New York, NY : Children's Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2018