Image de couverture de Engineered! : engineering design at work
Engineered! : engineering design at work
"How do you land a car-sized rover on the surface of Mars, resolve a five-hour traffic jam or save a herd of caribou from near extinction? Ask an engineer! Engineers are problem solvers. They use their math, science and technology skills to find creativesolutions to problems that need fixing. In Engineered! bestselling author Shannon Hunt explores nine feats of engineering and the step-by-step process that engineers followed to get to a winning solution. The book opens with an illustrated flow chart thatexplains the engineering design process in seven easy-to-follow steps (e.g., define the problem, identify requirements, build and test a prototype, etc.). Then, these steps are applied to nine real-life engineering stories - each from a different field,such as civil, mechanical or environmental engineering. By following a step-by-step process, engineers are able to come up with some ingenious (and sometimes crazy!) ideas that really work, like building a bridge taller than the Eiffel Tower to fix that five-hour long traffic jam. With direct curriculum applications, and following the guidelines in the Next Generation Science Standards, Engineered! is a must-have for schools, libraries and anywhere a maker space is found!".
Date de publication comme intervalle:
Note générale:
Includes index.
Vedette secondaire auteur:
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):
Informations de publication:
Toronto : Kids Can Press, 2017.