Search Results for 语言读物.SirsiDynix Enterprise$003d$0025E8$0025AF$0025AD$0025E8$0025A8$002580$0025E8$0025AF$0025BB$0025E7$002589$0025A9.$0026ps$003d1000?2025-03-15T00:25:15ZPlaying music to the oxen [Chinese & English] = Dui niu dan qinent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22545822025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Laurette. Zhang<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Call # CE ZHA<br/>Proud black cat [Chinese] = Jiao ao de hei maoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23174222025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Zi, Bing<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Series Tao tao cong shu : pin yin ban.<br/>Call # FC TAO<br/>A monkey looking for food [Chinese & English] = Xiao hou xia shanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22545632025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Laurette. Zhang<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Call # CE ZHA<br/>Stars in a bag [Chinese] = Zhuang jin bu dai li de xing xingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23174252025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Qiusheng. Zhang<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Tao tao cong shu : pin yin ban<br/>Call # FC TAO<br/>Zhang San is buying shoes [Chinese & English] = Zhang san mai xieent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22545832025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Laurette. Zhang<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Call # CE ZHA<br/>Mr. Hippo's big umbrella [Chinese] = He ma xian sheng de da yu sanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23174262025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Qiusheng. Zhang<br/>Format Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Tao tao cong shu : pin yin ban<br/>Call # FC TAO<br/>Three girls [Chinese] = San guo nü haient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24200972025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Chunhua. Zheng<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Series Qi miao xue xiao. Pin yin ban<br/>Call # F ZHE<br/>The white snake [Chinese] = Bai she zhuanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821392025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Zhong ji<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Jingwei fills up the sea [Chinese] = Jing wei tian hai.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821382025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. : Shen hua xi lie.<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Small eggshell adventure [Chinese] = Xiao dan qiao li xian jient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23174232025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Zi, Bing<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Series Tao tao cong shu : pin yin ban.<br/>Call # FC TAO<br/>Liu Yi delivers the letter [Chinese] = Liu yi chuan shuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821402025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Shen hua xi lie. Zhong ji<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Powerful ants [Chinese] = Xiao ma yi you li qient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23494442025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZFormat Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 11<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Gong fu xiao zhu, Da zhan ye zhu da dao = Kung Fu Pig fights wild boar robbersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:12895352025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Xiwu. Shen<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Qi se hu zhu yin du wu<br/>Call # FC KUN<br/>My orchard [Chinese &English] = Wo de guo yuanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22525862025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZFormat Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Cool Panda shao er han yu jiao xue zi yuan : shui guo Fruits =<br/>Call # CE COO<br/>Tide [Chinese] [book & CD] = Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi / 2, Tui chao he zhang chao.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22531562025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Annoying mosquitos [Chinese] [book & CD] = Tao yan de wen zient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22532572025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 9<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Recycle [Chinese] = Hui shou la jient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22532622025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 18<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>What's this? [Chinese] = Zhei shi shen me?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22525812025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZFormat Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Cool Panda shao er han yu jiao xue zi yuan : shi wu Fruits & drinks =<br/>Call # CE COO<br/>Hey! zebra! [Chinese & English] = Hei!Ban ma!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22525822025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZFormat Books<br/>2015<br/>Series Cool Panda shao er han yu jiao xue zi yuan : shi wu Fruits & drinks =<br/>Call # CE COO<br/>Pangu and the creation of the world [Chinese] = Pan gu kai tian deent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821362025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Qi. Chen<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Zhong wen xiao shu jia. Shen hua xi lie. Zhun zhong ji<br/>Call # FC CHI<br/>Why plant trees [Chinese] [book & CD] = Duo zhong shu de hao chuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22531542025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de zhong wen xiao gu shi = My little Chinese story books ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 10<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Moustache of a cat [Chinese] = Xiao mao de hu zient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23272212025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Fanjing. Zeng<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 14<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Thorns of a rose [Chinese] = Wo de ke xue xiao gu shient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22696882025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume book 7<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Three character children's song selection [Chinese] = San zi er ge jing xuanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:16422362025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Tong Ying Wen Hua<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Call # CE FIR<br/>In Mummy's arms [Chinese & English] [Book & CD] = Ma ma de huai bao =ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22694562025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Yanhu. Li<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Zhong wen gu shi hui. Li li de huan xiang shi jie<br/>Call # CE LIL<br/>A talking doll [Chinese] [Book & CD] = Hui shui hua de wa waent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22694592025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Yanhu. Li<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Zhong wen gu shi hui. Li li de huan xiang shi jie<br/>Call # CE LIL<br/>Blue sky [Chinese] = Lan lan de tian kongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22696282025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Victor Siye. Bao<br/>Format Books<br/>2011<br/>Series Wo de ke xue xiao gu shi ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume book 4<br/>Call # CE MY<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 7.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19602252025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Adventures of big big and little little [Chinese] = Da da da he xiao xiao xiao li xian jient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23550952025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Rongrong, Ren<br/>Format Books<br/>2012<br/>Series Zhong guo you mo er tong wen xue chuang zuo : zhu yin ban : ren rong rong xi lie.<br/>Call # FC REN<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 2.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591192025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 2<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 4.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591202025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 5.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19591212025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 1.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605672025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Character education series ;<br/>Series EPSB Volume 1<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 8.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19605682025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>Boys' favourite 93 stories for growing up [Chinese] = Rang nan hai zi zhe mi de 93 ge cheng zhang hao gu shient://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:12971592025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Yueming, Zhou<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Zhong guo er tong cheng zhang bi du cong shu.<br/>Call # FC NEW<br/>National Geographic first big book : birds [Chinese] = Wo de di yi ben mei guo guo jia di li niao lei bai keent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23821612025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Zheng Guo<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series National geographic first big books<br/>Call # CN 598 NAT<br/>Character education [Chinese] = Xing ge pei yang quan shu / 3.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19607742025-03-15T00:25:15Z2025-03-15T00:25:15ZBy Jie. Ma<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series Ren ge jiao yu cong shu.<br/>Call # CE CHA<br/>