Search Results for Reading (Primary)SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dReading$002b$002528Primary$002529$0026ps$003d1000?2025-03-14T03:55:28ZLiteracy place for the early years. Grade 1. Small-group shared/guided reading. Level H.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:867002025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Fiona. Bayrock<br/>Format Books<br/>2006<br/>Series Scholastic literacy place for the early years<br/>Call # E PB H<br/>Bats! : strange and wonderfulent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:868172025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Laurence P. Pringle<br/>Format Books<br/>2000<br/>Call # 599.4 PRI<br/>Matching books to readers : using leveled books in guided reading, K-3ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1073072025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Irene C. Fountas<br/>Format Books<br/>1999<br/>Call # T 372.4 FOU<br/>What ship is not a ship?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:17288862025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Harriet. Ziefert<br/>Format Books<br/>2014<br/>Call # E ZIE<br/>The enormous turnipent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5471432025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Katie. Daynes<br/>Format Books<br/>2007<br/>Series Usborne first reading.<br/>Call # CE CLA<br/>Chicken in chargeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23461732025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Adam, Lehrhaupt<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series I can read! 1, Beginning reading.<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>Rocket the brave!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23251472025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Tad, Hills<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 1<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>Space shark!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22893052025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Hollis, James<br/>Format Books<br/>2016<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 2<br/>Call # READ 2<br/>Family is everythingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23975882025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Luz M., Mack<br/>Format Books<br/>2021<br/>Series Step Into reading. Step 2, Reading with help.<br/>Call # E PB DIS<br/>Hayley's journeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23362302025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Sarah, Howden<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series I can read! Level 2, reading with help<br/>Call # 921 BIO<br/>I love my grandma!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23713792025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Frances, Gilbert<br/>Format Books<br/>2020<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 1, Ready to read<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>Spectacular spectaclesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1306202025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Jane, O'Connor<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series I can read! 1, Beginning reading<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>The moon's time to shineent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23348572025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Scott, Emmons<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Step into Reading. Step 1<br/>Call # E NF<br/>Moana's new friendent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23472172025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Jennifer, Liberts<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 2, reading with help<br/>Call # READ 2<br/>The sound of springent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23470032025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy David, Lewman<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 2, Reading with help<br/>Call # READ 2<br/>Robot, go Bot!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5470672025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Dana Meachen, Rau<br/>Format Books<br/>2013<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 1, ready to read<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>Animals on the moveent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2741522025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Susan, Hughes<br/>Format Books<br/>2004<br/>Series Nelson inforead social studies<br/>Call # E NF<br/>Magical mermaids!ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22690442025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Brian, Swenlin<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 1 book<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>Fancy Nancy and the delectable cupcakesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1425892025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Jane. O'Connor<br/>Format Books<br/>2010<br/>Series I can read! Level 1, Beginning reading<br/>Series EPSB Volume LEVEL 1 - fANCY nANCY AND THE DELECTABLE CUPCAKES<br/>Call # READ 1<br/>Making more words [Gr. 1-3] : multilevel, hands-on phonics and spelling activitiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:11619952025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Patricia Marr. Cunningham<br/>Format Books<br/>1997<br/>Call # T 372.4 CUNN<br/>Wave hand [Chinese] = Hui hui shouent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24007582025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Shen ti =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Dream march : Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the March on Washingtonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:23228972025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Vaunda Micheaux, Nelson<br/>Format Books<br/>2017<br/>Series Step into reading. Step 3. A history reader<br/>Call # 920 KIN<br/>Head to head [Chinese] = Tou peng touent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24007572025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Shen ti =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>A round head [Chinese] = Yuan yuan de touent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24007592025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Shen ti =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Whose mouth is big? = Shui de zui ba da?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24007552025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Shen ti =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Traffic lights. Level 1, Transportation 1.3 [Chinese] = Hong lü deng. Di yi ji, Jiao tong gong juent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24088732025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Rainbow dragon graded Chinese readers. Transportation =<br/>Call # CE KIL<br/>Playing pretend. Level 1, Jobs 1.5 [Chinese] = Guo jia jia. Di yi ji, Gong zuoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205202025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Gong zuo =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Where does he work? Level 1, Jobs 1.2 [Chinese] = Ta zai na er gong zuo? Di yi ji, Gong zuoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205152025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Gong zuo =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Going to the supermarket. Level 1, Community 1.4 [Chinese] = Qu chao shi. Di yi ji, She quent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24204992025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. She qu =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>This is my eye [Chinese] = Zhe shi wo de yan jingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24007602025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Shen ti =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>She fell down! [Chinese] Level 1, Sports 1.4 = Ta shuai dao le! Di 1 ji, Yun dongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24014502025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Yun dong =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Where is Mark? Level 1, Community 1.5 [Chinese] = Make zai na li? Di yi ji, She quent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205122025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. She qu =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>There are ships in the sea. Level 1, Transportation 1.2 [Chinese] = Hai shang you lun chuan. Di yi ji, Jiao tong gong juent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24088802025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Rainbow dragon graded Chinese readers. Transportation =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>What is he doing? Level 1, Jobs 1.3 [Chinese] = Ta zai zuo shen me? Di yi ji, Gong zuoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205172025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Gong zuo =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>I want to be a doctor! Level 1, Jobs 1.1 [Chinese] = Wo xiang dang yi sheng! Di yi ji, Gong zuoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205142025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Gong zuo =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Morning exercise [Chinese]. Level 1, Sports 1.5 = Zuo zao cao. Di yi ji, Yun dongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24014452025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Yun dong =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>I live by the park. Level 1, Community 1.3 [Chinese] = Wo jia zhu zai gong yuan pang. Di yi ji, She quent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205032025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. She qu =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>I'm going to school. Level 1, Community 1.2 [Chinese] = Wo qu xue xiao shang xue. Di yi ji, She quent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205072025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. She qu =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>This is the bookstore. Level 1, Community 1.1 [Chinese] = Zhe li shi shu dian. Di yi ji, She quent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205102025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. She qu =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>The little doctors in our family. Level 1, Jobs 1.4 [Chinese] = Wo men jia de xiao yi sheng. Di yi ji, Gong zuoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24205182025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2019<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Gong zuo =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Kids, let's exercise [Chinese]. Level 1, Sports 1.1 = Xiao peng you men lai yun dong. Di yi ji, Yun dongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24014472025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Yun dong =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>Walk, run and jump [Chinese] Level 1, Sports 1.2 = Zou zou pao pao tiao tiao tiao. Di yi ji, Yun dongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24014482025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Yun dong =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>What type of exercise do you like? [Chinese] Level 1, Sports 1.3 = Ni xi huan shen me yun dong? Di yi ji, Yun dongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:24014492025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Kaiqi, Dai<br/>Format Books<br/>2018<br/>Series Qi se long han yu fen ji yue du. Yun dong =<br/>Call # CE RAI<br/>6 + 1 traits of writing. The complete guide for the primary gradesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:222052025-03-14T03:55:28Z2025-03-14T03:55:28ZBy Ruth. Culham<br/>Format Books<br/>2005<br/>Series Theory and practice.<br/>Series EPSB Volume Theory and Practice<br/>Call # T 372.6 CUL<br/>